Tropical areas are the places where black pepper plant grows. It bears tiny white blossoms; these blossoms are picked before maturity and turn dark when dried. Piperine is the main ingredient of black pepper. It contains 79% of required manganese, 57% of vitamin K, 45% of iron, 30% of fibre. Piperine cures pigmentation disorder of skin called vitiligo. It increases body’s ability to absorb beta carotene beta vitamins, selenium like nutrients from food.
Black pepper powder or solid form contains various essential oils like piperine (an ammonia derived alkaloid) which gives pepper its original character and warmth as well as monoterpenes, limonene and myrcene which gives aroma to it. Black pepper is useful in curing different diseases. It is both spices as well as medicine for human health. It provides minerals to the body like potassium to cure heart rate, blood pressure and calcium for bone strengthening, zinc to promote cell growth and is antioxidant.